Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 am-5 pm.
Saturdays: 8am - 1.30pm
Closed Bank Holiday Weekends (Sat. Sun. Mon.)
This is an exclusive service offered by Colour for Concrete
Benefits of Repair & Valeting
Why repair and valet – What benefits will this give me?
Many people have old patios, old driveways, old concrete around their homes and property. Sometimes this can be there to before having purchased or inherited the property. Often times it can be there as a consequence of previously installed workmanship that was of inferior products and inferior workmanship. Because property owners lack of knowledge in how to deal with such situations, they either
a. put up with what they have, or
b. dismantle and remove the existing with new, or
c. believe there is no affordable solution
Putting up with what you have. Are there benefits or consequences of putting up with what you have?
Dismantling and removal. Reasons to avoid, if possible.
Most common faults that require solutions
Is there an affordable solution? Yes there is.
In many cases there is an affordable solution. This requires an onsite evaluation of one of our experts who will be able to advise on possible options that will lead to the most appropriate solution.
For more information about this service, please call us on 021 4888205
Phone: 021 4888205
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 am-5 pm.
Saturdays: 8am - 1.30pm
Closed Bank Holiday Weekends ( Sat. Sun . Mon )